Automated Appointment Notifications and Reminders:
When an appointment is scheduled in Cliniko, Microsoft Teams automatically sends notifications and reminders to the relevant healthcare providers and administrative staff. This ensures everyone is informed about upcoming appointments, reducing the risk of missed sessions and enhancing patient engagement.
Task Automation for Patient Record Updates:
When a patient's record is updated in Cliniko, Microsoft Teams triggers automated tasks for the healthcare team to review and act upon any necessary changes. This keeps the team aligned with the latest patient information, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records for improved patient care.
Team Collaboration on Treatment Plans:
When a new treatment plan is created in Cliniko, Microsoft Teams automatically sets up a dedicated channel for the healthcare team to discuss and collaborate on the plan. This facilitates real-time communication and coordination, ensuring all team members are actively engaged in delivering cohesive patient care.
From solo practices, large multi-location clinics and all the way up to NASDAQ-listed digital health companies.