The #1 healthcare automation platform
Instantly connect all your healthcare software to build HIPAA-compliant automations, without code.

Top healthcare companies trust Keragon to build HIPAA-compliant healthcare automations in a secure way

Keragon in numbers
Do more with less
Accelerate time-to-market without integration or maintenance headaches
< 60 mins
Average time for 1st workflow setup
Integrations & data helpers
Less engineering resources
How it works
Create your first healthcare automation in 3 simple steps
Build enterprise-ready integrations and automate your healthcare workflows with Keragon's no code AI-powered platform.
Use cases
Build HIPAA compliant healthcare automations without code
Automate your healthcare workflows with our drag & drop workflow builder and powerful AI helpers. The possibilities are limitless and no coding skills are required.
Patient intake/onboarding
Patient triage
Patient messaging & communication
Lab and diagnostics ordering
Personalized care plan delivery
Appointment scheduling & reminders
Data unification, transformation & syncing
Approval processes
Connect to any of our 300+ integrations in minutes
CUSTOMER testimonials
Real customers. Real value.
From solo practices, large multi-location clinics and all the way up to NASDAQ-listed digital health companies.
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