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CRM tool for sales management & tracking.

Unlock healthcare with Pipedrive integrations

Keragon enables you to connect Pipedrive with the most popular software used in healthcare, in a HIPAA-compliant way and with no code required. Make your sensitive patient data interoperable and automate your workflows to increase revenue & save time.
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Pipedrive is a sales CRM and pipeline management platform designed to help teams manage intricate sales processes efficiently. It excels in tracking interactions, automating repetitive tasks, and providing insights into sales performance. Integrating Pipedrive with Keragon can streamline patient acquisition, appointment scheduling, and follow-up processes. For instance, when a new patient inquiry is received, Pipedrive can capture the lead details, which Keragon can then use to auto-schedule appointments, send reminders, or trigger personalized follow-up actions, thereby optimizing the patient onboarding experience and allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care.


Streamline your patient management with Keragon automation and scale your business-critical processes. Our triggers and actions, available in the Pipedrive connector, will enable you to build powerful integrations with less engineering resources and without maintenance headaches.


You can use any of the triggers below or the universal HTTP webhook to start workflows.

Updated Person

Triggers when a person is updated.

New Deal

Triggers when a new deal is created.

Updated Deal

Triggers when a deal is updated.

New Person

Triggers when a new person is created.


You can use any of the actions below or the universal HTTP action to work with data.

Search persons

Searches all Persons by name, email, phone, notes and/or custom fields. This endpoint is a wrapper of /v1/itemSearch with a narrower OAuth scope. Found Persons can be filtered by Organization ID.

Add Person

Adds a new person. See the Pipedrive API docs for People

Add Organization

Adds a new organization. See the Pipedrive API docs for Organizations

Add Deal

Adds a new deal. See the Pipedrive API docs for Deals

Update Deal

Updates the properties of a deal. See the Pipedrive API docs for Deals

Add Activity

Adds a new activity. Includes more_activities_scheduled_in_context property in response's additional_data which indicates whether there are more undone activities scheduled with the same deal, person or organization (depending on the supplied data). See the Pipedrive API docs for Activities. For info on adding an activity in Pipedrive

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