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Keragon enables you to connect AWS with the most popular software used in healthcare, in a HIPAA-compliant way and with no code required. Make your sensitive patient data interoperable and automate your workflows to increase revenue & save time.
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Use the Keragon no-code workflow builder to build custom AWS integrations in minutes without any coding skills. With our pre-built integration connector with AWS, you can extend the functionality of AWS through API integrations that flow data across your Healthtech stack.


Unlock siloed data throughout your entire development process and build powerful automations across your organization. Our triggers and actions, available in the AWS connector, will enable you to build powerful integrations with less engineering resources and without maintenance headaches.


You can use any of the triggers below or the universal HTTP webhook to start workflows.

New Scheduled Tasks

Creates a Step Function State Machine to publish a message to an SNS topic at a specific timestamp. The SNS topic delivers the message to this Keragon source, and the source emits it as a new event.

New Restored S3 File

Start workflow when an file is restored into a S3 bucket

New Records Returned by CloudWatch Logs Insights Query

Executes a CloudWatch Logs Insights query on a schedule, and emits the records as invidual events (default) or in batch

New S3 Event

Emit new S3 events for a given bucket

New Inbound SES Emails

The source subscribes to all emails delivered to a specific domain configured in AWS SES. When an email is sent to any address at the domain, this event source emits that email as a formatted event. These events can trigger a Keragon workflow and can be consumed via SSE or REST API.

New S3 File

Start workflow when a file is added to an S3 bucket

New SNS Messages

Creates an SNS topic in your AWS account. Messages published to this topic are emitted from the Keragon source.

New Deleted S3 File

Start workflow when a file is deleted from a S3 bucket


You can use any of the actions below or the universal HTTP action to work with data.

EventBridge - Send event to Event Bus

Sends an event to an EventBridge event bus.

Lambda - Create Function

Create a Lambda function from source code. This action creates a zip file and deploys it to AWS Lambda. See the docs

AWS - Lambda - Invoke Function

Invoke a Lambda function using the AWS API

DynamoDB - Update Item

Updates an existing item's attributes, or adds a new item to the table if it does not already exist.

DynamoDB - Update Table

Modifies the settings for a given table. Only one type of modification is permitted per request.

Cloudwatch Logs - Put Log Events

Uploads a batch of log events to the specified log stream. See the docs for more information

AWS - EventBridge - Send event to Event Bus

Sends an event to an EventBridge event bus

SQS - Send Message

Sends a message to an SQS queue. See the docs

DynamoDB - Scan

The Scan operation returns one or more items and item attributes by accessing every item in a table.

DynamoDB - Create Table

Creates a new table to your account.

DynamoDB - Execute Statement

This operation allows you to perform transactional reads or writes on data stored in DynamoDB, using PartiQL.

SNS - Send Message

Sends a message to a SNS Topic.

S3 - Stream file to S3 from URL

Accepts a file URL, and streams the file to the provided S3 bucket/key. See the docs

S3 - Stream file to S3 from URL

Accepts a file URL, and streams the file to the provided S3 bucket/key

DynamoDB - Put Item

Creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item. If an item that has the same primary key as the new item already exists in the specified table, the new item completely replaces the existing item.

Lambda - Invoke Function

Invoke a Lambda function using the AWS API. See the docs

S3 - Upload File

Accepts a base64-encoded string and a filename, then uploads as a file to S3. import common from "../../common/common-s3.mjs"; See the docs

DynamoDB - Query

The query operation finds items based on primary key values.

CloudWatch Logs - Put Log Event

Uploads a log event to the specified log stream.

DynamoDB - Get Item

The Get Item operation returns a set of attributes for the item with the given primary key. If there is no matching item, Get Item does not return any data and there will be no Item element in the response.

AWS - SQS - Send Message

Sends a message to an SQS queue

S3 - Upload File

Accepts a base64-encoded string, a filename, and a content type, then uploads as a file to S3

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