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Git repositories hosting & management platform.

Unlock healthcare with Github integrations

Keragon enables you to connect Github with the most popular software used in healthcare, in a HIPAA-compliant way and with no code required. Make your sensitive patient data interoperable and automate your workflows to increase revenue & save time.
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GitHub is a web-based platform that hosts code repositories, enabling collaboration, version control, and software development. Integrating GitHub with Keragon, allows for the seamless development and deployment of healthcare applications and workflows. By hosting code on GitHub, healthcare developers can collaboratively create and refine automation scripts, which can then be directly implemented into Keragon. This integration streamlines the development process, ensures the reliability of automation workflows, and ultimately frees up time for healthcare professionals by automating routine tasks.


Streamline your development process with Keragon automation and scale your business-critical processes. Our triggers and actions, available in the Github connector, will enable you to build powerful integrations with less engineering resources and without maintenance headaches.


You can use any of the triggers below or the universal HTTP webhook to start workflows.

New Team

Start workflows when the user is added to a new team

New Mention

Start workflows when you are @mentioned in a new commit, comment, issue or pull request

New Branch

Start workflows when a new branch is created

New or Updated Pull Request

Start workflows when a pull request is opened or updated

New Card in Column (Classic Projects)

Start workflow when a (classic) project card is created or moved to a specific column. For Projects V2 use New Issue with Status trigger. More information here

New Commit

Start workflows on new commits to a repo or branch

New or Updated Issue

Start workflows when an issue is opened or updated

New Notification

Start workflows when you received a new notification

New Commit Comment

Start workflows on new commit comments

New Milestone

Start workflows when new milestones are created in a repo


You can use any of the actions below or the universal HTTP action to work with data.

Get Issue Assignees

Get assignees for an issue in a Gihub repo.

Create Issue

Create a new issue in a Gihub repo.

Search Issues and Pull Requests

Find issues and pull requests by state and keyword.

Update Issue

Update a new issue in a Gihub repo.

Create Issue Comment

Create a new comment in a issue.

Get Reviewers

Get reviewers for a PR (see docs) or Commit SHA (see docs).

Get Repo

Get details for a repo: the owner, description, metrics (e.g., forks, stars, watchers, issues) and more.

Get Repository

Get specific repository.

Use Keragon with Github to instantly create healthcare automations

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